
Motivating your staff

For the past few years, I have been managing the team in one of the best salons in Liverpool – Body Conscious.  I wanted to take a moment to share with you how much I enjoyed my time as a salon manager and some tips – on how to keep your team motivated.

Motivation is driving force that causes us to achieve goals. Since employee engagement is essential to a salon growth, managers and supervisors need to be able to motivate their workplace.

It is impossible to be an effective leader if your own enthusiasm for the salon start to diminish. To prevent this from happening, you need to maintain your health and manage your stress so that you can keep your passion for the business. 

You will need to surround yourself with positive people and train all staff in how your business operates. Set clear rules and stick to them, and you will reap the rewards. 

Be open and honest, lead by example and your team will follow. 

Motivate yourself

When you are enthusiast about your job, you will find it easy to encourage the people you work with. 

So, what can you do to better motivate yourself?

Always align the goal of the business with the goals of the employees. Learn to delegate and to value team work, don’t try to handle everything on your own. Excellent leadership involves giving responsibility and authority to those around you. Let your staff decide how tasks will be carried out. By delegating you will give your team the impression that you want them to take on stronger roles in their jobs.

Top 10 proven tips 

1. Personally thank everyone employee for a job well done, whether you do it on writing, verbally, or both. Do it timely, often and sincerely.

2. Be willing to take the time to meet with and listen to employees, as much as they want or need. 

3. Give beauty therapist specific and frequent feedback on their performance. Provide them with support to improve. 

4. Recognise, reward, and promote high performers. Attend to low and marginal performers to improve or leave.

5. Share information on how company makes and loses money, upcoming new products and services, and strategies for competing in the market. 

6. Involve all staff in making decisions especially if they are affecting them, remember involvement equals commitment.

7. Give employees a chance to grow and learn.

8. Provide your staff a sense of ownership in their work and the salon.

9. Strive to create a working environment that is open, trusting and fun.

10. Celebrate success of the salon and the individuals who work within it. Make time for the team. 

Everyone wants to feel proud of the business where they work. It enhances their reputation, makes them feel good and look good, and gives salon access to the best people.

So, be the proud face of your place.