Beauty Wood Therapy

30 Ways to be a successful beauty therapist

how to be successful beauty therapist

I have been in the beauty industry for the last 25 years. Somewhere along the way, I wrote tips on how to be a successful beauty therapist, and they still feel relevant today. 

If you want to stay part of this growing industry, you need to have a business plan, strategy and better yourself every day.

The UK is the world’s seventh-largest market for beauty and personal care, worth around £28.4bn in 2018, and the market is expanding each year. To beat the competition:

1) Be passionate & enthusiastic.

2) Be committed to contact at least 5 new potential customers per day. GET OUT THERE AND SPEAK TO PEOPLE. 

3) Don’t allow the best feedback to be about “the treatment” the treatment should be amazing, it’s what they are paying for! The difference that will get people re-booking will be YOU, the therapist, refer back to point number 1.

4) Build a list of project clients. One’s who you are helping long term with their health, wellness and skin goals.

5) Train in business, train in business and did I mention? train in business.

6) Run success groups within your salon not just “hen evenings,” or “ladies nights.” Think about SUCCESS for your clients. 

7) Take notes on EVERY client that you see about them and their concerns. This allows for better follow up that is personal, not just “we are doing an offer.”

8) Become a leader in education about skin, health etc. 

9) Make sure every client learns something new each time they visit your salon!

10) Have a fantastic FB business page (even as a therapist) and post free advice .

11) Speak to at least 3 new local businesses per week! Offer to chat to their staff on their lunch break about better skincare, makeup, nails or whatever you are passionate about. Don’t even go in intending to make the sale, just educate.

12) Always take names and numbers whenever you meet someone new. This helps you build a conscious list.

13) Learn from every experience. There is no good and bad, there just is. So, even the difficult clients teach you something.

14) Become better, not bitter. So many therapists have forgotten “why” they got into the industry in the first place, keep this passion and humbleness.

15) Give it a go, give your clients unannounced gifts. For example, call a regular client and say “would you like to pop in today for a quick back neck and shoulders at no charge?” There is no catch, nothing extra to sell, just do it and see what happens.

16) Learn to be a master closer of the sale. We are in business and you have to keep working on getting that sale closed time and time again.

17) Follow closely industry leaders and even high revenue earners in your salon. What do they do? How do they do it?

18) Start READING books that enhance your mind about business and psychology.

19) Hit the gym! Being in great physical shape only helps your energy, your health and your business.

20) Consult your TOP clients. Ask them what they want to see in your salon and actually listen to them.

21) Develop a winning process for success. This means having a call script for call backs, having a set amount of time per shift for new lead generation and whatever else you can think of that commercially helps your business.

22) Remember that success is 80% psychology and 20% strategy. Get success focused.

23) Do things that others won’t do. Overcome your fears, your challenges by going through the pain. Put in the extra time it takes to become the right person to be successful.

24) Make sure every day you have a clear revenue goal and do everything you can to reach and surpass that goal.

25) Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals, they are the most powerful source of new business.

26) Offer a free treatment/day in your salon for business CEO’s, influential group leaders, editors of magazines/newspapers, radio presenters and again, no need to even ask at this time for them to help you. Just give them the treatment and say “thanks for coming.” Believe me, they will do the rest: ).

27) Remember long term solutions are key. Nobody improved their skin or body long term by a 60-minute (short term) treatment. Educate people until they understand they need further treatments and a good routine at home.

28) Know that success is not something that is given to you, you got to get out there and make it happen. 

29) Work on your consultation. Your consultation is the game changer that means the difference between another ‘treatment’ and a superstar client who will invest potentially thousands in a long-term skin transformation.

30) Stay motivated.

I still constantly learn new skills and treatments, attending new courses and beauty shows. However, my biggest passion is teaching. So if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to give you advice on anything you need.

I have been in the beauty industry for the last 25 years. Somewhere along the way, I wrote tips on how to be a successful beauty therapist, and they still feel relevant today. 

If you want to stay part of this growing industry, you need to have a business plan, strategy and better yourself every day.

The UK is the world’s seventh-largest market for beauty and personal care, worth around £28.4bn in 2018, and the market is expanding each year. To beat the competition:

1) Be passionate & enthusiastic.

2) Be committed to contact at least 5 new potential customers per day. GET OUT THERE AND SPEAK TO PEOPLE. 

3) Don’t allow the best feedback to be about “the treatment” the treatment should be amazing, it’s what they are paying for! The difference that will get people re-booking will be YOU, the therapist, refer back to point number 1.

4) Build a list of project clients. One’s who you are helping long term with their health, wellness and skin goals.

5) Train in business, train in business and did I mention? train in business.

6) Run success groups within your salon not just “hen evenings,” or “ladies nights.” Think about SUCCESS for your clients. 

7) Take notes on EVERY client that you see about them and their concerns. This allows for better follow up that is personal, not just “we are doing an offer.”

8) Become a leader in education about skin, health etc. 

9) Make sure every client learns something new each time they visit your salon!

10) Have a fantastic FB business page (even as a therapist) and post free advice .

11) Speak to at least 3 new local businesses per week! Offer to chat to their staff on their lunch break about better skincare, makeup, nails or whatever you are passionate about. Don’t even go in intending to make the sale, just educate.

12) Always take names and numbers whenever you meet someone new. This helps you build a conscious list.

13) Learn from every experience. There is no good and bad, there just is. So, even the difficult clients teach you something.

14) Become better, not bitter. So many therapists have forgotten “why” they got into the industry in the first place, keep this passion and humbleness.

15) Give it a go, give your clients unannounced gifts. For example, call a regular client and say “would you like to pop in today for a quick back neck and shoulders at no charge?” There is no catch, nothing extra to sell, just do it and see what happens.

16) Learn to be a master closer of the sale. We are in business and you have to keep working on getting that sale closed time and time again.

17) Follow closely industry leaders and even high revenue earners in your salon. What do they do? How do they do it?

18) Start READING books that enhance your mind about business and psychology.

19) Hit the gym! Being in great physical shape only helps your energy, your health and your business.

20) Consult your TOP clients. Ask them what they want to see in your salon and actually listen to them.

21) Develop a winning process for success. This means having a call script for call backs, having a set amount of time per shift for new lead generation and whatever else you can think of that commercially helps your business.

22) Remember that success is 80% psychology and 20% strategy. Get success focused.

23) Do things that others won’t do. Overcome your fears, your challenges by going through the pain. Put in the extra time it takes to become the right person to be successful.

24) Make sure every day you have a clear revenue goal and do everything you can to reach and surpass that goal.

25) Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals, they are the most powerful source of new business.

26) Offer a free treatment/day in your salon for business CEO’s, influential group leaders, editors of magazines/newspapers, radio presenters and again, no need to even ask at this time for them to help you. Just give them the treatment and say “thanks for coming.” Believe me, they will do the rest: ).

27) Remember long term solutions are key. Nobody improved their skin or body long term by a 60-minute (short term) treatment. Educate people until they understand they need further treatments and a good routine at home.

28) Know that success is not something that is given to you, you got to get out there and make it happen. 

29) Work on your consultation. Your consultation is the game changer that means the difference between another ‘treatment’ and a superstar client who will invest potentially thousands in a long-term skin transformation.

30) Stay motivated.

I still constantly learn new skills and treatments, attending new courses and beauty shows. However, my biggest passion is teaching. So if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to give you advice on anything you need.